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Spatial & STEM Learning

Below are some of our current studies surrounding Spatial & STEM Learning! If there is anything more you would like to know about these studies, please check out our Contact Us tab.

Data in Space and Time

  • Objective: Develop an understanding of how high school and undergraduate students interpret different types of spatiotemporal data visualizations.
  • Summary: Data collection is ongoing. We have collected data on how students interpret different types of maps (thematic, point, raster). We investigated students’ preferences, what they noticed, strategies used, and questions they asked. We have compared static and dynamic visuals, and this fall we are collecting data on how students use an interactive raster data user interface. We aim to develop tools for spatiotemporal data investigation in schools. 

Prosthetics & Orthotics

  • Objective: Investigate spatial ability of Masters students in a Prosthetics and Orthotics program, and then integrate spatial training into the curriculum
  • Summary: Our plan is to have three time points of data collection (one already completed) to see how spatial ability changes over the 20-month program. This quarter, we are proposing interviews with other students and professors to begin brainstorming how specifically we will integrate spatial training in a future cohort.